Perpetuating Ea: Makua Valley and the Demilitarization of Aina
Aliiolani Hale
Monday, July 22, 2024
5:30 to 7:30 PM

On Monday, July 22, 2024, community members gathered at Aliiolani Hale to celebrate La Hoihoi Ea 2024. LHE Honolulu Convener Imai Winchester opened the event with formal Hawaiian protocol, sounding the pu shell and leading group oli. The event began with a screening of Na Maka o ka Aina’s documentary film, Makua: To Heal A Nation. Then, audiences regrouped to discuss demilitarization efforts in Hawaii featuring a distinguished panel of guests: La Hoihoi Ea 2024 Honoree Sparky Rodrigues (Malama Makua), Marti Townsend (Earth Justice and KAHEA: The Hawaiian-Environmental Alliance), Kyle Kajihiro (DMZ Hawaii and Hawaii Peace and Justice), and Dr. Keanu Sai, PhD (Windward Community College and Hawaiian Society of Law and Politics). Henderson Huihui, Staff Attorney for the Native Hawaiian Legal Corporation, moderated the discussion.

To view the documentary, Makua: To Heal A Nation (1996), visit:

Disclaimer: While the Hawaii State Judiciary provides a venue for diverse discussion, speakers’ remarks do not represent opinions of the Judiciary.